As I enter my last few weeks as a Northwestern Undergraduate student I have taken some time to reflect over the past four years and how my experience at Northwestern has changed me. When I stepped foo...Read More
It is not everyday that you can ride your bike in a comfortable 70 degrees to class in the morning. After a very mild winter and a snowy start to spring, Chicago has finally delivered the weather that...Read More
Entering my final quarter of my first year at Northwestern, I basically had my spiel down about how much I loved the school. I could honestly say that I could see how passionate people were, how suppo...Read More
Not only do discussions about the hyper-connected world we live in permeate classrooms at Northwestern, but students also actively participate in activities that unite them with people and issues arou...Read More
When I was a senior in high school, I sat down one Sunday evening and began writing my Northwestern supplement essay. I thought about what it was that drew me to this school halfway across the country...Read More
As a junior, you are supposed to be established at college. A group of friends, one or two leadership positions in some clubs, a routine, and a complete understanding of the college landscape all awai...Read More