Like many high school seniors, college application season drove me to the brink of insanity. I have a vivid imagination, so every time I toured a different campus, I’d begin to envision my fantasy f...Read More
Here at Northwestern, there are more than 500 student groups you can choose to get involved with. There are many that I love, but I want to take a moment to talk about one student group that has reall...Read More
As a pre-med undergraduate, one of the things I need to do before med school applications is gain research experience. Medical schools like undergrads to explore research, both to rule it out as a pos...Read More
People always say that in college you find out who your real friends are. They also say not to be surprised if your fall quarter friends from freshman year are not the ones you stick with. In a lot of...Read More
Now that we’re in the midst of Fall Quarter, I’m constantly reminded of the many reasons why Northwestern has me excited to get out of bed each morning and onto campus. Having spent the entirety o...Read More
What do President Obama and I have in common? A history of volunteering with Martha’s Kitchen, a DC-based meals-on-wheels service! Throughout my entire life, I have been drawn to volunteering. W...Read More