There are a hundred different ways you can spend your college summers. Some friends go abroad, some explore the US, and many grab internships and jobs and make careers outside of Evanston. One thing t...Read More
As a school only a few miles away from Chicago, with 6 different colleges offering courses for 8,000 undergraduates, it is hard to argue that Northwestern students don’t have a lot of opportunities ...Read More
I like to think that summer doesn’t officially start until I make my summer playlist on Spotify. And as soon as I finished adding my songs, I took a good look at the campus I had become so familiar ...Read More
As a tour guide, people are constantly asking me about the weather here in Evanston. Most of the time, I’m almost positive that they’re referring to the colder months, but I always find myself tal...Read More
While the thrill of constantly jumping from one activity to another during a traditional Northwestern school year fuels the blood that runs through my veins, I decided to spend my summer focusing on c...Read More
I love coffee shops. Not because I love coffee. I actually hate the taste of coffee (though mochas are growing on me). But the environment of a coffee shop draws me in – the combination of warm sm...Read More