The college bucket list. The highly regarded and elusive task-list many students strive to complete before their years of college disappear. The NU bucket list usually consists of the normal paint the...Read More
Evanston makes unwinding easy. For as much as Northwestern students like to hit the books and spend our time with student groups, there’s always an excuse to take a break just off campus. I’ve got...Read More
As a senior, I’ve come to the point where I can reflect on my Northwestern experience and think about some of its best parts. To incoming students, I offer one piece of advice: get to know people ...Read More
Freshman year you couldn’t have paid me to stand for 30 hours, let alone dance for that long. I didn’t think Dance Marathon was for me. However during the lead-up to the event, I watched as p...Read More
Recently I attended a concert organized by our Bienen School of Music. The concert was put on through the combined efforts of the Bienen Contemporary/Early Vocal Ensemble and an internationally accl...Read More
Every student who calls the School of Education and Social Policy (SESP) their home gets to do a practicum during their Northwestern career. A practicum is an internship experience in Chicago (or Wash...Read More