Whether you’re fueling a late night study-session or grabbing lunch with some friends, food is a huge part of the college experience. We (understandably) receive quite a few questions about dining o...Read More
It’s a bit of a whirlwind, stepping into an unfamiliar airport. My friend and I had a fairly straightforward drive over to JFK from Manhattan, heading out around five hours before our departure. Tha...Read More
Residence hall formals, Greek Life formals, Black Formal, multicultural student organization formals, south campus formal, sports teams formals, semi-formals; these are just a few of the many formals ...Read More
When one artist climbs the side of the Riviera Theatre, the night’s a success. When two make the climb? It’s the A&O Blowout. When I applied to Northwestern, I had no idea that I’d end up ju...Read More
Schools call it “orientation” for a reason. When you first arrive on campus, it can seem like you have so much to do, but you may have no idea where to start. Between selecting classes, navigating...Read More
Now that I’m entering into my second year at Northwestern I wanted to take some time to reflect on my busy first year as a Wildcat. For many of us college is a huge transition after being in high sc...Read More