When you head out on your tour or talk to a current student, you’ll often hear about “getting lost in the halls of Tech.” This is referring to the multi-mile long hallways that cover the countr...Read More
Evanston makes unwinding easy. For as much as Northwestern students like to hit the books and spend our time with student groups, there’s always an excuse to take a break just off campus. I’ve got...Read More
As a senior, I’ve come to the point where I can reflect on my Northwestern experience and think about some of its best parts. To incoming students, I offer one piece of advice: get to know people ...Read More
If you’ve read anything about Northwestern’s campus traditions on our various websites or brochures, you’ve probably heard about Dance Marathon. NUDM is one of the nation’s lar...Read More
This past Sunday was Northwestern Community Development’s (NCDC’s) sixth annual Senior Gala. The gala is a community building event geared toward the elderly residents of Evanston. This year̵...Read More
For this week’s blog entry, Taylor imagines her alternate Northwestern life. There is almost an infinite number of classes, organizations, and experiences to be a part of at Northwestern. As ...Read More